Czech Journal of Tourism
02 / 2013 / Volume 2
ISSN 1805-3580 (Print) / MK ČR E 20679
ISSN 1805-9767 (Online)
Published: December 2013
Copyright © Masaryk University, 2013
Global geotourism - An emerging form of sustainable tourism
Ross K. Dowling
Section / Pages
Articles - review paper / 59-79
Geotourism is a new form of tourism based on the geological environment. Whilst ecotourism and biodiversity have been described in the academic literature for... more
Geotourism is a new form of tourism based on the geological environment. Whilst ecotourism and biodiversity have been described in the academic literature for over thirty years, geotourism and its attendant concepts of geoheritage, geodiversity, geoconservation, and geotours , is relatively new. Geotourism is defined as tourism which focuses on an area’s geology and landscape as the basis of fostering sustainable tourism development. It begins with an understanding of the Abiotic (non-living) environment, to build greater awareness of the Biotic (living) environment of plants and animals as well as the Cultural environment of people, past and present. It is argued that geotourism offers a new form of sustainable tourism which is more holistic than previous niche forms of tourism.
geological tourism, geotourists, geoparks sustainable development
Dowling, R. K. (2013). Global Geotourism – An Emerging Form of Sustainable Tourism. Czech Journal of Tourism, 2(2), 59-79. DOI: 10.2478/cjot-2013-0004
Geomorphosite assessment for geotourism purposes
Lucie Kubalíková
Section / Pages
Articles - review paper / 80-104
The article briefly examines the relationship between geodiversity, geoheritage (represented by geosites and geomorphosites) and geotourism. It is obvious that... more
The article briefly examines the relationship between geodiversity, geoheritage (represented by geosites and geomorphosites) and geotourism. It is obvious that geosites and geomorphosites represent a fundamental resource for geotourism. As geosites are defined as sites that present particular importance for the comprehension of the Earth history and bear mainly scientific values, geomorphosites concept is wider and includes also added values (e. g. cultural, aesthetic and economic). Therefore, for assessing the importance of the geological and geomorphological sites for geotourism purposes, the concept of geomorphosites is more appropriate. The article presents several assessment methods that represent a significant tool for geoconservation and geotourism purposes. The assessment is carried out from several perspectives with an emphasis on scientific, cultural and economic parameters of the sites. The results of the assessment can serve as a basis for appropriate use of geoheritage, its management and generally for identification of geotourism potential of the geological and geomorphological sites. To find out which method is suitable for geotourism purposes, it is necessary to take into account the definitions and principles of geotourism. Different assessment methods are analysed and discussed. Based on this, the proposal for criteria for geosite and geomorphosite assessment for geotourism purposes is presented.
Geodiversity, geotourism, geosites, geomorphosites, assessment methods and criteria
Kubalíková, L. (2013). Geomorphosite assessment for geotourism purposes. Czech Journal of Tourism, 2(2), 80-104. DOI: 10.2478/cjot-2013-0005
Interpretation of geoheritage for geotourism - A comparison of Chinese geoparks and national parks in the United States
Fang Ren, Louis Simonson, Zhixin Pan
Section / Pages
Notes - research note / 105-125
This study presents an interpretation system model of geoheritage to facilitate the understanding of geoscience knowledge by the common lay person.... more
This study presents an interpretation system model of geoheritage to facilitate the understanding of geoscience knowledge by the common lay person. Interpretation system construction is crucial to geoparks and is a shared value. The improvement of the effectiveness of geoheritage interpretation is still under exploration. Therefore, the interpretation systems of two global geoparks in China are outlined and compared with the interpretation system in Zion National Park in the United States. From lessons and experiences, this paper suggests utilizing geotourism as a complete contextual communication system, in which a geopark (source) delivers information about its unique cultural and natural values to target tourists (receivers) through tourism activities (channels). The communication effect of geotourism is monitored by feedback from tourists through the post-travel surveys or activities. We expect that this model will provide a better interpretation of geoheritage with a new perspective.
Geotourism, Geopark, Geoheritage, Interpretation System, Communication channels
Ren, F., Simonson, L., & Pan, Z. (2013). Interpretation of geoheritage for geotourism – A comparison of Chinese geoparks and national parks in the United States. Czech Journal of Tourism, 2(2), 105-125. DOI: 10.2478/cjot-2013-0006
Geotourism development in the Azores archipelago (Portugal) as an environmental awareness tool
Eva Almeida Lima, Marisa Machado, João Carlos Nunes
Section / Pages
Notes - research note / 126-142
The Azores archipelago is distinguished by its unique natural beauty and marine setting. Thanks to its volcanic origin, the region has a very rich and... more
The Azores archipelago is distinguished by its unique natural beauty and marine setting. Thanks to its volcanic origin, the region has a very rich and remarkable geodiversity that includes a diversity of landscapes with innumerable craters, volcanic lakes, fumaroles, hot springs, volcanic caves, marine fossil deposits and thermal water springs. The recognition of this valuable geological heritage came with the recent integration of the Azores Geopark into the European and Global Geopark Networks.
The pressure that the increasing development of tourism have been exerting on these geological sites for the last years, and the need to create alternative forms of tourism, which contribute towards the socio-economic development in rural areas, have highlighted the importance of geotourism as a tool to promote and preserve the geological heritage of the Azores. Geotourism has turned to be an important instrument of environmental awareness through the local and foreign people.
Geotourism, Azores archipelago, volcanic islands, geolandscapes, environmental awareness
Lima, E. A., Machado, M., & Nunes, J. C. (2013). Geotourism development in the Azores archipelago (Portugal) as an environmental awareness tool. Czech Journal of Tourism, 2(2), 126-142. DOI: 10.2478/cjot-2013-0007
Geoparks triumph at ITB in Berlin
Martina Pásková
Section / Pages
Information - news / 143-144
Establishing the Annual conference on national geoparks
Martina Pásková
Section / Pages
Information - conference / 144-146
Report from the International Summer School “Earth Heritage site assessment - Geoparks management and geotourism development”
Lucie Kubalíková
Section / Pages
Information - report / 146-148
Sustainable Tourism: Tourism Management in Protected Areas
Bedřich Moldan
Section / Pages
Information - book review / 148-149