01 / 2012

Czech Journal of Tourism

01 / 2012 / Volume 1

ISSN 1805-3580  (Print)  /  MK ČR E 20679

ISSN 1805-9767 (Online)

Published: June 2012

Copyright © Masaryk University, 2012

Information and Communication Technologies - Perpetual Motion of Tourism


Section / Pages

Articles - review paper / 5-17


Information and communication technologies influence essentially tourism and that influence will continue to grow. Present article as an overview analyses ICT... more

Information and communication technologies influence essentially tourism and that influence will continue to grow. Present article as an overview analyses ICT influence on tourism in different contexts – time context, geographic context, psychological cognitive context, social context, context of changes generator, and tourism virtualisation context. In a given context, the used technologies and typical applications are mentioned. Context analyses is completed with trends’ discussion which appears in ICT application in tourism.


information and communication technologies, ICT, tourism, E-tourism, GDS, modelling, hyperrealitya


Zelanka, J. (2012). Informační a komunikační technologie - perpetuum mobile cestovního ruchu (Information and Communication Technologies - Perpetual Motion of Tourism). Czech Journal of Tourism, 1(1), 5-17.

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Selected Psychological and Sociological Connections with Travelling


Section / Pages

Articles - review paper / 18-29


The aim of this contribution is to provide a survey of some significant topics related to understanding the world around us, mainly in connection with... more

The aim of this contribution is to provide a survey of some significant topics related to understanding the world around us, mainly in connection with travelling. Sometimes, inevitably, psychological views mentioned here are mingled here with philosophical and sociological ones. Namely, there are mentioned studies from the fields of cognitivism, human perception and experience. In the given context, the phenomena of home, genius loci and motivation for travelling etc. are mentioned as well.


travel and tourism, cognition, experience


Šípek, J., Kacetl, J., & Štyrský, J. (2012). Vybrané psychologicko-sociologické souvisloti cestování (Selected Psychological and Sociological Connections with Travelling). Czech Journal of Tourism, 1(1), 18-29.

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Travel and Tourism Marketing - Review


Section / Pages

Articles - review paper / 30-52


The area of tourism marketing represents a broad variety of themes. Different approaches to the tourism marketing can be depicted in literature of last decades.... more

The area of tourism marketing represents a broad variety of themes. Different approaches to the tourism marketing can be depicted in literature of last decades. The contemporary, state-to-the-art review of tourism marketing can identify six main areas with possibility to extent it with two other intersectional fields (tactical marketing and performance measurement). The basis of tourism marketing is the consumer behaviour, followed by marketing segmentation, targeting and positioning. The third field can be identified as the branding strategy and branding management and the fourth as the strategic marketing and marketing concept using the traditional marketing management tools from non-tourism sectors. Very special, explored and used area in tourism marketing is represented by marketing communication based mainly on e-marketing, social marketing, mobile applications and internet. The relationship marketing, experiential marketing, societal marketing summarized in the concept of sustainable tourism marketing can be considered as a new way and view on the tourism marketing in the future. Generally, despite the progress in tourism marketing in theory and practice has been significant in last two decades, the gap in some researched areas remains still extensive. The terminology differs especially between research and practice that use tourism marketing terminology at will. The important impulses in tourism marketing are taken over from other non-tourism sectors. There is a gap between the research and use of tourism marketing in private and public (esp. destination) sectors.


tourism marketing, consumer behaviour, tourism strategic marketing, branding, communication, sustainable marketing


Palatková, M. (2012). Travel and Tourism Marketing - Review. Czech Journal of Tourism, 1(1), 30-52.

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Economic Aspects of Tourism - Review of Research

Martin ŠAUER

Section / Pages

Articles - review paper / 53-70


This article deals with economic issues in tourism. The aim is to provide a brief and well-structured overview of issues that the professional community has... more

This article deals with economic issues in tourism. The aim is to provide a brief and well-structured overview of issues that the professional community has been discussing. It analyses articles that during the last 12 years appeared in the scientific magazine “Annals of Tourism Research”. The analysis concentrates on thematic orientation of the articles, methods used during the research and data sources. The survey provides a statistical assessment of publishing activities and identifies basic areas of research that economy of tourism has been dealing with.


tourism economics, modelling tourism demand, economic tourism impacts, tourism development, tourism research


Šauer, M. (2012). Ekonomické aspekty cestovního ruchu - současné směřování výzkumu (Economic Aspects of Tourism - Review of Research). Czech Journal of Tourism, 1(1), 53-70.

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