01 / 2018

Czech Journal of Tourism

01 / 2018 / Volume 7

ISSN 1805-3580  (Print)  /  MK ČR E 20679

ISSN 1805-9767 (Online)

Published: June 2018

Copyright © Masaryk University, 2018

Use of the Multi-agent Paradigm in Sustainable Tourism

Martina Husáková

Sekce / Strany

Articles - Review paper / 5-24


Complex systems are characterised by a huge amount of components, which are highly linked with each other. Tourism is one of the examples of complex systems... více

Complex systems are characterised by a huge amount of components, which are highly linked with each other. Tourism is one of the examples of complex systems collecting various activities leading to the enrichment of travellers in the view of receiving new experiences and increasing economic prosperity of specific destinations. The complex systems can be investigated with various bottom-up and top-down approaches. The multi-agent-based modelling is the bottom-up approach that is focused on the representation of individual entities for the exploration of possible interactions among them and their effects on surrounding environments. These systems are able to integrate knowledge of socio-cultural, economic, physical, biological or environmental systems for in-silico models development, which can be used for experimentation with a system. The main aim of the presented text is to introduce links between tourism, complexity and to advocate usefulness of the multi-agent-based systems for the exploration of tourism and its sustainability. The evaluation of suitability of the multi-agent systems in tourism is based on the investigation of fundamental characteristics of these two systems and on the review of specific applications of the multi-agent systems in sustainable tourism.

Klíčová slova

tourism, sustainability, modelling, simulation, complexity, multi-agent system


Husáková, M. (2018). Use of the Multi-Agent Paradigm in Sustainable Tourism. Czech Journal of Tourism, 7(1), 5-24. DOI: 10.1515/cjot-2018–0001.

Smart Tourism: Concepts and Insights from Central Europe

Tomáš Gajdošík

Sekce / Strany

Articles - Review paper / 25-44


Nowadays, tourism sector needs to adapt to a very fast changing environment and stronger competitiveness. Smart tourism describes the current stage of tourism... více

Nowadays, tourism sector needs to adapt to a very fast changing environment and stronger competitiveness. Smart tourism describes the current stage of tourism development influenced by the evolution of information technologies and is becoming a promising way how to face the new market conditions. The aim of the paper is to review the conceptual foundations of smart tourism and to analyse the development of smart tourism initiative in Central Europe, specifically in Slovakia. The paper adopts an exploratory multiple case study methodology, focusing on information technologies used by Central European tourists, willingness of data sharing and the use of the state-of-the-art technologies in tourism businesses. Moreover, the smart concept is examined based on the (SA)6 framework in three tourism destinations. The paper concludes that smart tourism should not be the ultimate goal, but with the help of technology, innovation, and cooperation, it should bring better tourist experience, wellbeing of residents, enhance effectiveness and competitiveness of businesses and destinations, and lead to overall competitive sustainability.

Klíčová slova

information technologies, smart business, smart destination, smart tourist


Gajdošík, T. (2018). Smart Tourism: Concepts and Insights from Central Europe. Czech Journal of Tourism, 7(1), 25-44. DOI: 10.1515/cjot-2018–0002.

YouTube as an Airlines Marketing Tool

Martina Pásková, Jan Hruška, Josef Zelenka

Sekce / Strany

Articles - Research paper / 45-69


Multimedia communication through social media has been experiencing constantly growing significance in the field of airline marketing. The aim of the research... více

Multimedia communication through social media has been experiencing constantly growing significance in the field of airline marketing. The aim of the research presented in this paper was to find out and, with the help of both qualitative and quantitative analyses, describe the way YouTube is used by airlines. The research was conducted in the form of a comparative study with the objective of identifying the difference between YouTube performance of full-service carriers (FSCs) and low-cost carriers (LCCs). The intention was to identify which factors influence the effectiveness of airline marketing conducted via YouTube an as well as the way in which they do it. Analysis of selected data was facilitated by social media analytics tool SocialBakers, content analyses and a correlation analysis of YouTube metrics, selected on the base of previous research results. The research data were collected twice during the year 2017 in order to reflect changes over time. Research results showed that FSCs build their YouTube channels more systematically than LCCs. FSCs offer a substantially wider range of video topics and often sort out topics of their videos in a more detailed way. Regarding the basic metrics of YouTube channels (total number of views, number of subscribers), FSCs surpass LCCs significantly. One reason for their much higher rate of views is the fact that FSCs use celebrities more frequently, and frequently they offer high-quality impression/relationship airline presentation.

Klíčová slova

low-cost carriers, full-service carriers, social media, YouTube, viral marketing


Pásková, M., Hruška, J., & Zelenka, J. (2018). YouTube as an Airlines Marketing Tool. Czech Journal of Tourism, 7(1), 45-69. DOI: 10.1515/cjot-2018–0003.

Anthropology of Tourism: Researching Interactions between Hosts and Guests

Barbora Půtová

Sekce / Strany

Articles - Review paper / 71-92


This study focuses on the theoretical analysis of social interaction and relationship between guests and hosts from the perspective of anthropology of tourism.... více

This study focuses on the theoretical analysis of social interaction and relationship between guests and hosts from the perspective of anthropology of tourism. In the 1960s and 1970s, attention was paid predominantly to anthropological reflection of negative socio-cultural impacts of tourism on host communities. However, towards the end of the 1980s and during the 1990s the research focus began to shift towards an analysis and interpretation of the influence of commodification on the perceptions of identity and authenticity of the host culture, while the positive aspects of tourism began to be recognized as well. This study aims to present an overview of the basic approaches within the anthropology of tourism to social interaction between guests and hosts. The objective of the study is to provide a summary of miscellaneous approaches to and views on this issue.

Klíčová slova

tourism, anthropology, interaction, hosts, guests, social interaction, impact


Půtová, B. (2018). Anthropology of Tourism: Researching Interactions between Hosts and Guests. Czech Journal of Tourism, 7(1), 71-92. DOI: 10.1515/cjot-2018–0004.

Mining Heritage and Mining Tourism

Jakub Jelen

Sekce / Strany

Articles - Review paper / 93-105


The mining industry leaves behind a large number of tangible or intangible remains. A part of them can be used by different actors as a mining heritage.... více

The mining industry leaves behind a large number of tangible or intangible remains. A part of them can be used by different actors as a mining heritage. Specific cultural or social values and meanings, which remind of the importance of mining in the past and today, are represented through this mining heritage. To preserve them, the heritage must be passed to future generations. One of the ways is mining tourism. However, the relation between the mining heritage and tourism is not simple as the complex mining heritage has many specific features that differ from the traditional tourist attractions and conceal many pitfalls. The aspects of authenticity or approaches to heritage interpretation are also important.

Klíčová slova

mining heritage, mining tourism, interpretation, development


Jelen, J. (2018). Mining Heritage and Mining Tourism. Czech Journal of Tourism, 7(1), 93-105. DOI: 10.1515/cjot-2018–0005.

130 Years of the Czech Tourist Club

Vratislav Chvátal

Sekce / Strany

Information - anniversary / 107-111

pdfText článku

Socially Responsible Tourism

Josef Zelenka

Sekce / Strany

Information - book review / 112-113

pdfText článku