Czech Journal of Tourism

02 / 2018 / Volume 7

ISSN 1805-3580  (Print)  /  MK ČR E 20679

ISSN 1805-9767 (Online)

Published: December 2018

Reviewing the Past to Inform the Future: A Literature Review of Social Media in Tourism

Zohreh Zara Zarezadeh, H. Raymond Rastegar, Ulrike Gretzel

Sekce / Strany

Articles - Review paper / 115-131


Acknowledging the significant advancement of social media, the role and impact of social media has been widely discussed in tourism research. As a result, it... více

Acknowledging the significant advancement of social media, the role and impact of social media has been widely discussed in tourism research. As a result, it has become increasingly difficult to obtain an overview of the knowledge produced in relation to the topic. Review studies provide such overviews to guide future research efforts. This study reviews and analyses 152 tourism-related social media publications since 2008. Based on a qualitative systematic analysis of publications that address the topic from a consumer perspective, the paper identifies publication trends and highlights patterns in the topics, aims, and research designs of existing publications. Specifically, it captures a broader array of consumer-centric topics than previous reviews and highlights methodological gaps. Moreover, the research argues that there is still ample room for more research on social media in tourism, particularly as the existing literature neglects social media beyond review platforms while demonstrating that user-generated content greatly influences tourist behaviours and experiences.

Klíčová slova

social media, systematic analysis, consumer perspective, tourism, literature review


Zarezadeh, Z. Z., Rastegar, H. R., & Gretzel, U. (2018). Reviewing the Past to Inform the Future: A Literature Review of Social Media in Tourism. Czech Journal of Tourism, 7(2), 115–131. DOI: 10.1515/cjot-2018–0006.

Occupancy of the Slovak Accommodation Establishments by Foreign Tourists

Petra Vašaničová, Eva Litavcová, Sylvia Jenčová

Sekce / Strany

Articles - Research paper / 133-152


Accommodation has an important role in the development of tourism in every country we perceive as the tourism destination. Due to the increasing competition in... více

Accommodation has an important role in the development of tourism in every country we perceive as the tourism destination. Due to the increasing competition in the tourism industry, it is necessary to analyze the occupancy of the accommodation establishments, and thus to find specific segments of the market, which the tourism development strategy should focus on. The aim of this study is to describe, which types of the selected accommodation establishments are preferred in the Slovak Republic by foreign tourists with a special focus on seven specific nationalities (Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Ukrainian, German, Austrian, and Russian nationalities). Formally, the hypothesis being tested is whether there is a statistically significant relationship in the choice of the accommodation establishment by tourists of any of these nationalities over time. In addition, we aim to discuss the development of the selected types of the accommodation establishments in the Slovak Republic in 2014-2017, and at the same time to emphasize the development of the hotels according to hotel classes. The results showed that in the Slovak Republic, the most numerous groups of the accommodation establishments by their type, were hotels, motels, botels, and guesthouses, and these establishments are also the most used by foreign tourists. Furthermore, the set hypothesis has been confirmed, on the basis of the results of Friedman ANOVA and the Kendall coefficient of concordance.

Klíčová slova

tourism, accommodation establishments, foreign tourists, Slovak Republic, nationalities


Vašaničová, P., Litavcová, E., & Jenčová, E. (2018). Occupancy of the Slovak Accommodation Establishments by Foreign Tourists. Czech Journal of Tourism, 7(2), 133–152. DOI: 10.1515/cjot-2018–0007.

Zoo Tourism: What Actually Is a Zoo?

Lukáš Nekolný, Dana Fialová

Sekce / Strany

Articles - Review paper / 153-166


Zoos are one of the most visited tourist attractions worldwide - we should perceive them, therefore, not only as places where animals are kept, but also as... více

Zoos are one of the most visited tourist attractions worldwide - we should perceive them, therefore, not only as places where animals are kept, but also as places frequented by large numbers of people. This is why we talk of zoo tourism. However, there are different definitions of a zoo. This wide range of possible approaches to what actually the zoo is poses a major methodological problem for the research analysis as well as for the zoo management and related legislation. Zoos are historically and socially determined. We can talk not only about the evolution of zoos but also about the co-evolution of zoos alongside many types of zoos. Nowadays, there is no doubt that there is a large number of modern and naturalistic zoos oriented on conservation, but there are also many zoos designed as popular animal-based attractions where animals live in unsuitable conditions. The principal aim of this article is to introduce and discuss problematic approaches to what zoos are and to suggest a use of a wider zoo definition.

Klíčová slova

tourism, tourist attraction, animal-based attraction, zoo, zoo typology


Nekolný, L., & Fialová, D. (2018). Zoo Tourism: What Actually Is a Zoo? Czech Journal of Tourism, 7(2), 153–166. DOI: 10.1515/cjot-2018–0008.

The Visit Rate of the Bardejov Spa in the Context of its History

Jana Mitríková, Mária Sobeková

Sekce / Strany

Notes - Research notes / 167-178


The main objective of this article was to evaluate the impact of historical events on the visit rate of Bardejov Spa in various periods of its development (in... více

The main objective of this article was to evaluate the impact of historical events on the visit rate of Bardejov Spa in various periods of its development (in the years of 1814–2016). The collection of information on clients' spa visits, especially the oldest data, was difficult (19th century and 1st and 2nd World War). Much information was available only in the State Archive of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic in Hungarian and Latin. Some data for several years were not available at all, and some data were not recorded in writing. The paper summarizes the history of the spa, natural medical sources, spa treatment and indications. At present, the number of guests has an increasing trend, as evidenced by the visit rate for 2016, as well as by current data for 2017. In 2016, Bardejov Spa reached a pick of the visit rate with 25,863 clients. In 2017, there were 27,170 clients. The main clients are the Slovaks, about 90%.

Klíčová slova

Slovak spa, Bardejov Spa, visit rate, spa tourism, spa treatment


Mitríková, J., & Sobeková, M. (2018). The Visit Rate of Bardejov Spa in the Context of its History. Czech Journal of Tourism, 7(2), 167–178. DOI: 10.1515/cjot-2018–0009.

New Trends in Geoproducts Development: Železné Hory National Geopark Case Study

Jan Doucek, Josef Zelenka

Sekce / Strany

Notes - Research notes / 179-195


Geotourism is still a relatively new direction of tourism and its development is bound mainly to the territory of geoparks. Many geoparks try to develop... více

Geotourism is still a relatively new direction of tourism and its development is bound mainly to the territory of geoparks. Many geoparks try to develop different types of geo-products with a focus on different target groups. However, the nature of these products is very different and their development is evident mainly in the time scale. In the past, simple forms of interpretation and application of geoproducts were popular, whereas currently, modern technologies such as animations or augmented reality are thriving. This is mainly due to the better availability of technological equipment. At the same time, a number of geoparks boast of above-average interpreters, who are able to render and simplify difficult geological topics. This also applies to their ability to create of new geoproducts, where the need to abbreviate and condense information is evident. The results of the study show a positive trend in the use of modern methods in geoscience interpretation and in the creation of new geoproducts. At the same time, it is clear that without a modern concept it is very difficult to reach the current visitors. Therefore, such a concept is necessary in order to develop geoscientific issues, especially in the area of geoparks.

Klíčová slova

geopark, geotourism, innovative geo-product, Železné hory


Doucek, J., & Zelenka, J. (2018). New Trends in Geoproducts Development: Železné Hory National Geopark Case Study. Czech Journal of Tourism, 7(2), 179–195. DOI: 10.1515/cjot-2018–0010.